Angler Fish Costume for Kids
When we're thinking of scary places we usually think of haunted houses in mossy swamps or misty graveyards. The thing is, we don't have to get creative to come up with monsters; all we have to do is sink down to the deep, deep sea. Maybe some of the creatures that old timey sailors came up with are fiction. Mermaids turned out to be sea cows and Nessie might be a pure myth, but with the dawn of the submarine age, we have found that the truth is without a doubt stranger than fiction. When we lit up the bottom of our sea with our submerged ships we found creatures that humans would never have thought to put on their illuminated maps. No, there were no hundred-foot lobsters that could snatch ships from the surface of the sea but giant squid, that's a creature that exists. Size isn't the only thing that 's super weird down there. There are creatures of every color imaginable. There's the flesh colored lump called the blob fish or the super adorable butter yellow round octopus with tiny little tentacles. The fish that really takes the proverbial cake? The angler fish! This fish is something from a nightmare. It's black with scaly skin and giant eyes, its light dangles in front of its face, luring creatures into the glow until the little fishy comes face to face with its giant teeth. Any kid who wants to dress up as a real-life monster this Halloween will absolutely love this ensemble. The jumpsuit looks like it has emerged from the deep with silver fins, long fin-like fingers, and spikes on the arms. Top it off with the toothy hood with its large eyes and enticing dangling ball and your kiddo is sure to emerge this Halloween ready to show us land dwellers the weird and wonderful stuff we've been missing below!