Boys Balthasar Wise Man Costume
A Long and Winding RoadWe take jet-setting for granted these days. Families live across the country from each other, meeting up a couple times a year with the help of planes, trains, and automobiles. And if we have a pilgrimage in mind, it's completely feasible to make it happen. People travel for the strangest reasons, whole events are planned around it. Just look at those huge music festivals and all the "-Cons" out there that people travel to just to get a glance at their favorite celebrities. Just imagine if we had to travel everywhere we wanted to be camel with nothing to guide us but the light of a star. You would have to really choose your road trips carefully. Maybe that's why we call the three kings the Wiseman. They chose the most epic destination for their travels, after all!Product DetailsYour child will feel like a mysterious traveling king when wearing this costume! The colors are deep and dramatic. The blue has a soft sheen and is trimmed in gold around the sleeves and gold lame around the middle panel. The red middle panel flares out into structured shoulders that give your nativity scene the drama it deserves, especially with the red cape! The whole ensemble is topped with a shiny blue headdress that drapes in the front and is wrapped in gold-cord at the top. Find a bottle such as the one pictured here to represent Myrrh when you want to make the look complete. Wise GuyWhen he has a costume as serious and dignified as this one, your child is sure to love playing the honorable role of one of the three kings. While nowadays people usually bring flowers or some food when people have a baby, we're sure Joseph and Mary were touched that Balthasar thought to come at all and he gave the new couple some great advice as well! That's why it's nice to have a wise guy around!