Boys Deluxe Police Officer Costume
Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?Yes, that's right, your boy's dreams of taking down dangerous criminals (or, if we're talking about Cops, shirtless guys with sagging pants) can finally be realized. He'll be writing citations for that neighbor's poor parking or unsightly lawn in no time. And soon enough he'll be flagging down speeding cars, writing tickets and telling them to remain calm or they'll have to step out of the vehicle. It's a good thing you're family, maybe he'll cut you some slack. Then again, we've seen this type before and you know he's a by-the-book officer hoping to make sergeant early in his long and distinguished career. Don't cut any corners, and definitely don't go "five over the speed limit" because he's going to catch it. Too many offenses and you'll be taken downtown for booking.But turn the tables on him! You can get a Police Officer costume and start writing tickets of your own! Time for a room inspection? Not clean enough, that's a ticket. Didn't finish your broccoli? That's a ticket. If he gets too many, threaten to bust him down to cadet or take his badge and gun (Ooooh yeah, they do this all the time in movies and your kid is gonna love it! Or hate it, because you're taking his badge and gun, but then he can be a rogue cop, in pursuit of the most elusive thing of all: justice). But finally you patch things up and together you take down the giant criminal syndicate. This thing goes all the way to the top! The mayor's office even! Truth and justice will prevail!