Busy Beekeeper Kid's Costume
All That You Can BeeYou've heard the term "busy as a bee," but those beekeepers keep a pretty packed schedule, too! Whether your kiddo has dreams of starting his own artisanal honey business, or he is already tending his own hives for fun, this Kid's Busy Beekeeper Costume is a cute and unique look for Halloween.Trust us, there's nothing "hive mind" about this special costume ” your child will stand out amongst the throngs of ghosts, witches, and vampires at this year's costume party. For an added cute effect, fill a little bucket with bite-sized Bit-o-Honey candies and your little one can give 'em out wherever he goes. Design & DetailsThere was a lot of buzz in our design studio about this new costume! It's just cute as can bee! Though we do feel obligated to mention that this combination of the white jumpsuit, yellow-green gloves, and mesh-veiled beekeeper hat does not technically meet regulatory safety standards for real bee-keeping, lest your ambitious child gets any ideas. What it lacks in practicality, it makes up for in impact ” wildlife enthusiasts, scientists, and gardeners alike will all love seeing your creative kid show up at their door to trick or treat!Sweet DreamsMake this Halloween extra sweet by indulging your child's interest in beekeeping! Who knows, maybe that honey shop of his dreams will really come to fruition someday, or maybe it's all just a phase. Either way, this is one cute and fun costume to watch your child wear.