Child Baby Mr. Peanut Nut Costume
A Tough Nut to CrackThere is a lot of controversy on whether or not early exposure to peanuts can help combat peanut allergies. And we aren't doctors or scientists (last we checked), so we aren't here to prescribe that you eat a bunch of peanut butter while pregnant (though...yum!) or avoid the stuff altogether. We'll leave that to the experts.What we do know a lot about, however, is Halloween. We've tested a lot of costumes and we can say that even the most Halloween-adverse (we don't understand these people, but we know they are out there) will be delighted by this Kid's Mr. Peanut Costume! It's a cute nod to your child's favorite snack. And as a bonus, this look is completely nut-free, so it's safe for the whole neighborhood to enjoy this season!Product DetailsThis cute look is made up of a simple felt tunic that slips on over your child's own black basics. The tunic comes up over their head, with an opening at the face, and it features Mr. Peanut's cute mug right below your kid's. The included hat tops your child's head, and the included shoe covers and mittens ensure they are 100% playing the part, no sneakers or human hands visible!Time to Get NuttyEven though they can't bring a bunch of peanut brittle, or Paydays, or PB & J sandwiches shaped like pumpkins and ghosts into their school Halloween party, your kiddo can still get nutty in this cute, clever costume that's a totally unexpected instant classic!