Child Skeleton Black Gloves
A PORTABLE X-RAYGetting a solid view of your kiddo's bones is almost always going to be a traumatic experience. Usually, we figure it is happening either because of a really awful accident or because you're at the doctor's office for an x-ray. Neither are great experiences! But, perhaps your kiddo has developed a weird superpower to make their bones glow. Maybe they can turn invisible, but only everything except their skeletal system. Or, we suppose, it is possible they've just found a great costume... DESIGN & DETAILSWell, whichever route has caused your tyke to go to the route of the skeleton, we can help get all the details finished up with our exclusive Black Skeleton Gloves. These jersey gloves will keep your kiddo's flesh nice and warm while making it look like they are a haunting skeleton in the midst of the darkness. Pretty cool! Just make sure they don't pull any pranks on you or you might jump out of your skin. WHITE KNUCKLE GRIP?Usually, when you see someone going white-knuckled, it is because they're spooked out of their skin. Well, your kiddo might have a more authentic experience thanks to these Black Skeleton Gloves that make their hands show what white knuckles are really like!