Cop Costume for Toddler
ROLE SWAP!?You've gotten pretty used to the power dynamic in the house. You're in charge and the kiddo is supposed to listen to your word of law. Bedtime? Yeah, that's right on the dot and there is to be immediate hand-washing, pajama-wearing, and head-pillow-hitting! Naturally, your little one listens to you without question and even eats all their vegetables, right? Doesn't even ever give you the 'why are you doing this to me' face, yeah!? No? Wait... does your toddler think that they run the house and you're just there to serve? Well, actually, now that we think about it, that's how most of our houses run, too. (Heck, when the kids visit the office, the same thing happens!) Those kids know just how to run us ragged. How does someone not even half our size manage to think that they're the boss so often? And all without actually having to do any of the work!? Well, we've got a trick up our sleeve to show our little kiddo commandos what's what!DESIGN & DETAILSTime for our tots to be the one to protect and serve us! At first, this exclusive Toddler Cop Costume was meant to be a joke. Our designers came up with it inspired by their kids' seeming authority. But, the effect was amazing and you'll be able to see it soon! When your kiddo slips into these elastic-band pants and wears the badged, button-down shirt, they'll suddenly feel the responsibility they have to you. The belt, tie, and official-looking hat completes the uniform and will have your little dictator suddenly realizing that they've gotta keep you safe from harm. RESPECTING AUTHORITYYour kiddo will have a totally new perspective on all the things that you do when the tables turn and they are suddenly responsible for maintaining order! Watch them crack down on the no dessert before vegetables rule once they are in this Cop Costume. Just make sure they don't see you with ice cream (though, you're used to that already, aren't you?)