Dashing Ringmaster Costume for Kids
Let the Show Begin! Have you ever thought to yourself, "Homework is boring, and chores are annoying: I'm going to run away to join the circus!"? If so, we have good news for you! No, the good news isn't that we've canceled homework and chores forever (we're fun, but we're not that powerful). The good news is that you don't have to run away to join the circus! You can put on your own three-ring show wherever you want. And that's a lot more interesting than homework! Product DetailsCaptivate crowds and head the greatest show on earth with our exclusive Kid's Dashing Ringmaster Costume! The outfit includes the essentials starting with a long with attached vest panels. The red velvet portion of this easy-to-wear top features shoulder epaulets with golden fringe and printed black and gold details down the sleeves and front. The black satin vest panels have functioning buttons to secure the jacket and gold-printed frogging.A pleated satin cravat wears under the combo jacket with a hook-and-loop fastener at its back. A pair of black pants feature the same printed frogging as the vest. Completing the look is a pair of black faux leather boot covers and a black top hat with a red ribbon band.Career Day DecisionWhy don't more people choose "ringmaster" when they're asked what they want to be when they grow up? That line of work involves lions jumping through flaming hoops, clowns popping out of tiny cars, and acrobats leaping from trapeze to tightrope and back again! Wear this costume to start your own act or simply wear it trick-or-treating or to another dress-up event. We hope your friends are ready to be dazzled and delighted!