Jurassic World 2 Villain Dinosaur 3/4 Child Mask
THE ULTIMATE IN DINO DOOMYou know how those ambitious scientists and money-grubbing businessfolk are. They love to learn from their mistakes and keep from causing any future problems in the name of scientific discovery or domination of the global market! Well, while you're laughing at that little bit of fiction, make sure that you're on the lookout for the latest in dinosaur hybrid disaster. What happens when you mix a genetically perfected Indominus Rex with a highly trained Velociraptor? Sheesh! The Indoraptor looks terrifying. About the only thing to make that crazier is to add in some childlike curiosity!PRODUCT DETAILSHave a had in the creation of the brightest dino hybrid out there when you give your kiddo this Indoraptor Dinosaur Mask. This 3/4 mask slides easily over your tyke's head and will give them the ferocious look of the most advanced dinosaur ever conceived all based on the villain of the Jurassic World 2 film. PREPARE FOR THE INDORAPTORKnowing is half the battle, they say, so if we're going to be dealing with the newest hybrid creation from the scientists of Jurassic World, it is best to get a little exposure to them first. Try your hand at training your own dino when you give your kiddo this mask. The worst that could happen is all their buddies get together and form a raptor pack... and that would be pretty awesome!