Kid's Killy the Clown Costume
New Kid on the BlockA new family moved to town. No, they didn't move into the vacant duplex and Monroe or the rambler on Broadway, they moved into a vacant lot right next to the abandoned middle school. Instead of a normal house, the Zirka family lives in a striped circus tent with organ music piping from inside at all hours of the day. Unsurprisingly, the Zirka folks look rather unusual. The mother can be seen teetering on tight ropes slung across the buildings of downtown when she's out shopping. Father Zirka is hugely muscled and covered in tattoos. He's has been seen lifting half a car in order to get someone out of a jam. The oldest sister contorts herself into all kinds of shapes while sitting at her desk in school, to the amusement of her classmates and the horror of her teacher. But the most disturbing member of the family isn't nearly as well-received. That's the secretive and sinister youngest child, Killy the Clown!Design & DetailsThis Made By Us clown costume was designed by our in-house creative team, so you can be sure that it'll be a unique look for any party! The costume features a polka dot shirt with an eyeball bowtie and aged silky vest attached. Matching the vest, the striped and checker pattern pants have a comfortable elastic band for comfort. Complete with an unsettling clown mask, this look will cause a stir where ever it goes!Enter the Big TopIf your child seems fit for an eerie circus, this creepy clown costume is a great way to flaunt their talents! Complete this classic costume with a pair of big shoes, gloves, and even the prop of your child's choice. While we won't want to visit your circus anytime soon, we certainly wouldn't forget a performance by this clown!