Mystical Reaper Kids Costume
Gutless SorcererBeing a skeleton is really not so bad. Sure, people call you mean names like gutless, spooky, and pale, but that is kind of par for the course when you bring death and ruin to stuff all the time. You have to expect a little pushback when you show up unexpectedly to drag someone into the cold embrace of death. On the other hand, it is really nice that people care so much. The Reaper is a household name and you have to say that your fans and sycophants made that happen for you. Riding the wave of success for the last several thousand years as an undead sorcerer with sweet robes has been a pretty swell gig as far as you 're concerned!Grim and GreatFinding the right way to impress on people that you are a wise wizard as well as a skeleton is pretty tough, but this Kid 's Reaper Costume is just the thing to help. This full-length blue robe has all the design features that will make people accept you as the reaper himself, from the printed ribcage to the runed and immaculate belt and pauldrons. The hood mask, and gloves all work to add that extra touch of otherworldly power that will make you love this costume even more!Graveyard BashIf you are looking for the perfect way to bring all those spooky, spellcasting vibes that you want in your costume, then this is the thing for you! Just make sure that you don 't get too excited when you feel the Reaper 's powers coursing through you!