President Abe Lincoln Kid's Costume
The littlest command-in-chiefDoes your child dream about someday becoming president? Do they enjoy presiding over a Congress of stuffed animals or writing up their very own executive orders in crayon? Do they craft treaties with foreign governments (or maybe just their friends at school)? Do they constantly talk about balancing the federal budget, creating new federal agencies or appointing Supreme Court justices?We think it 's wonderful that your little politician wants to take on the biggest office in the world. But we 're sure you 're thinking about how difficult it will be for them to wait all the way until they 're 35 and legally allowed to run for the position. We suppose they could try to make a fake ID, but voters might get suspicious when they realize their candidate hasn 't lost all their baby teeth yet!Product detailsWe can 't give your kid a growth serum to age them quickly enough to run in next year 's primaries, but we can give them the next best thing: this Kid 's President Abe Lincoln Costume. After all, if they want to be president, they should go for it and become one of the best presidents our country has ever known! The costume comes with a 100 percent polyester wool-like coat with attached vest, which features buttons down the center. There 's also a satin bowtie with an elastic band to secure around their collar. Of course, of all the things Abraham Lincoln is famous for, we know the best thing is his famous top hat, so this costume comes with one of those, too! The impressively tall top hat features a black satin ribbon and is one size fits most. (Pants and shirt aren 't included, so make sure your kid adds a pair before swearing in!)Hail to the chief!Now your little politician can look and feel the part of a president with this exclusive costume. That 's a lot easier (and cheaper!) than securing a national ticket and actually running for office. We think that 's a win-win!