Rag Doll Costume for Infants
DAY OF THE LIVING DOLLSYou know? The minute we wrote that heading, we realized that it was probably going to be a mistake. That sounds like a horror film, for sure. We imagine some happy family walking into a toy store and, suddenly, the lights go out. Strange movements and creepy giggles are heard from the shadows. Suddenly, a scream. Oh, boy. We're freaking ourselves out. (Believe us: the doll section of the warehouse can still the heart of the most rugged of souls. Just ask Bruce!)Anyway, that's all besides the point. This day of the living doll is exclusively awesome because it features your little one. They're already adorable because of their gurgling noises, their sweet smiles, and their awkward crawling around as you watch them figure out how to live in their little bodies. Now, just imagine that they're also looking like your favorite and kind-hearted rag doll while doing so. (Did your heart just stop because of the cuteness? Yeah, ours too.) DESIGN & DETAILSBefore you can't handle it anymore, let's upgrade your day with this Rag Doll Costume for Infants. Our doll-loving in-house designers are always crafting creepy dolls, but they finally gave us one that's pure cute with this high-quality look. Begin with a plaid shirt with a bright white collar and a large navy blue sailor's tie. The pants are perfect thanks to a high-waist and comfortable elastic. Bright blue, they also feature two large white buttons to enhance the doll-like look. Finish off the transformation with the sailor's cap and the attached red, yarn wig. (You can fray the edges of the yarn for a wavy look, too!) DOLL UP YOUR DOLLYour kiddo is already the cutest thing that we can imagine, so there isn't much room for improvement. At this point, this Rag Doll Costume is basically just a fresh, different look for your little ball of perfection. But, who can resist different forms of perfect!?