Trolls World Tour Branch Kid's Costume
Can't Stop the Feelin'Usually, a gray-colored Troll means an unhappy Troll. The citizens of Troll Village are a boisterous, cheerful bunch, and their moods are generally reflected by their 'tudes. That's why you see such a fun and diverse mix of colors when you hang out with them or attend one of their concerts - and of course they're extra happy when they're busy singing. But you're a little different. It's true that you're always a melancholy shade of blueish gray, but you're actually perfectly fine with that. You enjoy being a pessimist. You like a good cranky attitude. Plus, you've got great friends, you're a member of the Snack Pack, and your best bud Poppy might end up being something more. You've got a pretty good life, but you've got to keep up appearances. So, while other trolls might be bummed to be glum, you don't mind one little bit. Product Details Bop to your own beat in this officially licensed Trolls World Tour Branch Costume for Kids! The outfit includes a polyester-blend jumpsuit that's perfect for performing. The long-sleeved blue top has a mock turtleneck collar and attached green vest panels with a leaf-like print. The brown shorts have stitched patch graphics and a notched hemline (they're your favorite shorts, so they've seen a little wear). The matching headpiece has blue faux fur and large foam ears that are blue just like Branch's. Happily Grumpy Branch might be a crank and a grump, but he's responsible for some of the most fun songs ever sung at a Troll gathering. Celebrate your uniqueness, knowing that your friends appreciate you for who you are!