X-Ray Skeleton Kids Costume
Bony BoiHanging out with the boys has been a lot harder since the accident. When all your flesh melted off your bones and left you as a shambling skeleton, a lot of them didn 't want to hang out as much. At first it hurt, but then you realized that the problem was something that you could fix!You gathered together all the acid that you could, which was not easy at all since your limbs and appendages are so thin. But, once that was taken care of, you brought it to your buddies one by one and gave them the same treatment that you got! Now you all get to hang out as the eternal undead! How sweet is that!Bones R UsThere are so many skeleton costumes out there that it can be hard to choose the best one. Well, this Kid 's X-Ray Skeleton Costume is the best one, so don 't worry about the rest! This one-piece jumpsuit closes in the back with hooks and loops for a comfortably snug fit that will keep your bones warm all night. The hood and gloves complete the skeleton look while also adding to that cozy warmth that all skeletons yearn for! Reflecting the light off your skeleton form has never been easier than with this costume!No Need for BrainsIf you are looking for the perfect skeleton costume, then you are in the right place! Unlike those tacky zombies, you will have no need for brains when you wear this costume. In fact, you won 't need any guts at all!