5.5 Foot Light Up Nativity Inflatable Decoration
A Simple StableThese days, there tends to be a lot of commotion around Christmas. It seems that the hustle and bustle of the season just gets worse and worse every year. Although we love to celebrate this holiday as much as anyone else, we do think it's a bit sad that a time meant for us to remember peace on Earth can become so stressful.Just like there's nothing wrong with throwing a big holiday party, there's also nothing wrong with scaling back a little, either. In fact, the original story of Christmas isn't terribly dramatic. To summarize, "Jesus was born." And there was no grand celebration or expensive party. It was just a little family in a simple stable, welcoming their newborn into the world.Design & DetailsIf you'd like to remind yourself of the humble origins of the Christmas season with your holiday decor, we think you'll like this Nativity Inflatable Decoration. It inflates to approximately 5 1/2 feet, and folds when deflated for easy storage. Mary, Joseph, Jesus, and three wise men are included in the scene, and the inside is lighted to spread some Christmas cheer on dark December days.