Reindeer LED Light Up Ugly Christmas Sweater for Boys
Tis the season for illumination!What is it about Christmas that makes us want to add sparkle and shine to just about everything? We sprinkle string lights all over our homes, outlining the gutters and garage in bright colored bulbs. We dig out the nativity scene from the garage, shake off the cobwebs, and assemble it in our front yards for everyone to see. We buy expensive pine trees, haul them inside our homes (even though the needles get everywhere), and wrap them up in glimmering lights. We want everything to twinkle, and we mean everything. Yes, even your son's Christmas sweater, and admit it, so do you! Our exclusive reindeer LED sweater is equipped with lights in the front and the back. When the lights are powered on, the cartoon reindeer's nose and the string lights tangled in its antlers both light up. Outfit your little guy in this sweater and take his picture next to the illuminated tree to create a Christmas card that will brighten everyone's day!