Adult Dragon Helmet
Mischief MakersAs the prolific William Shakespeare wrote, Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. How you become a hero is not always as important as what you do as a hero. But what they don't tell you is that being the ideal role model isn't always,well, fun. While the noble character must unflinchingly walk the straight and narrow, the villains are allowed to wreak some havoc. They love to commit dastardly deeds such as rearranging other people's dressers, leaving googly eyes all over the town square, and tying unsuspecting citizens' shoelaces together. Really evil stuff like that. If you're more interested in causing a little chaos than in fulfilling the prophecy or whatever, then this dragon helmet might suit you just fine.Product DetailsReal dragon scales, as you know, are extremely heavy, so this item is made with only the finest latex to give you the authentic look without the neck pain. Please note that this is called a helmet because it covers your cranium, not because it provides safety protection. It does not include a real dragon skull (again, too heavy) and therefore will not shield your fragile human head from things like knight's maces or falling anvils while you're thwarting the protagonist (or mismatching people's socks).