Green Derby Hat for Adults
A Riddling WonderSome flashy fashion, a dazzling dance, a dashing smile, and some panache. What does that mean you have? Obviously, a pretty profound sense of style! Bring that wit to bear and you might find that a whole host of superheroes fall to the power of your puzzles. Of course, maybe green is really your thing. Pull off a mob boss that has more than just a mean, green grin. You can top off your mob man suit with something that'll be really memorable. Even if being a villain isn't your style, it's always nice to get that little extra protection around St. Paddy's Day! We've got the perfect thing. Design & DetailsKeep your look refined and in style with this Green Derby Hat. This is a Made by Us exclusive that is designed to fit most adult heads. The derby is made of green felt, so you can shape it with some steam, or you can wear it standard with its off-white ribbon. Rhyme in Style Whether you're a natural riddler or have a bit of the luck of the Irish running through your veins, this Green Derby Hat is a natural way to top off your look. It matches everything, especially knowing smile.