Plastic Conquistador Helmet
So you fancy yourself an explorer, eh? Well, you had better be well equipped for your adventures. Who knows what is out there. Not only will you need a sword, a spyglass, a compass, and really neat ship, you'll want a signature look as well. Something historians will remember you by. Skip those crazy white wigs or anything too warm and heavy. You ever know what kind of climate you'll end up in!We're not talking anything crazy here. Maybe a piece of armor, or a bit of clothing that represents your home country. Like this Spanish style Plastic Conquistador Helmet. It's silver in color, so it looks fabulous, but being plastic, means it won't weigh down your noble brow as you are off exploring unknown lands and claiming them for the mother country. Plus you'll look neat, and that's really important for explorers. How else are you supposed to be remembered?