Reversible Red/Green Sequin Santa Cap
Elf of All TradesSo, you were cast to be an elf at the mall. A great gig! You'll get to spend hours helping bring big grins to children's faces and probably a few of their parents'. Of course, you probably won't get the credit. That goes to the big guy in the red suit while he sits on his gold and velvet throne. We bet that's the job you wanted. Scratchy beard aside, it is the more enviable position. The good news? We know a way to help you make the best of your elfish trade and maybe gain a bit of that praise Santa sees so much of.Product DetailsStart with a hat! Not just any hat, this Red and Green Reversible Sequin Santa Cap! While you're showing off that bubbly personality that landed you the job, this flashy cap will have you looking your best with shiny emerald green sequins. Then, should Santa need a break from entertaining children, you can swipe your hand over the glitzy green and turn it red! Parents, children, and most importantly Santa will be so impressed with your color-change magic they may just let you take the throne!Elfish BehaviorWhether you're feeling elfish or full of the holiday spirit, this Red and Green Reversible Sequin Santa Cap is the perfect way to get you in character! Go all green, red, or a mix of both that is sure to match all your most Christmassy ensembles!