Wizard Alchemy Purple Hood
The Pointy Hat ProblemSalutations, sorcerous friend! Is your pointy hat getting in the way during your wizarding adventures? Well, that's no surprise! The big-brimmed, pointy wizard hat may be a staple when it comes to wizarding wear (we're pretty sure Merline was the first to wear it)... but it's really an inconvenient piece of headwear to have on your head while engaging in a deadly wizard business!Just imagine this. You have a horde of goblins, cudgels in hand, scrambling towards you. That's a pretty normal situation that a wizard might find themselves in. You whisper the magic incantation and wave your staff in the air to cast a searing fireball to consume the evil creatures in flames, but the top of your staff bumps into the brim of your pointy hat, knocking it over your eyes. Unable to see, the fireball you just cast shoots off into the sky, missing every single goblin. Now, you're in a heap of trouble! That wouldn't happen with this handy wizard hood!Product DetailsYes, this Wizard Alchemy Purple Hood foregoes the pointy hat tradition for something that's a little more practical for questing wizards. The simple design fits around your head and it doesn't have any troublesome brim that could get inadvertently bumped while casting dangerous spells. It also features a star pattern all-over, to help you feel like the powerful wizard you are! Pair it up with any of our wizard accessories to get your magical quest started today!