Heart of Damballa Bride of Chucky Necklace
A Charming AccessoryIf you could transfer your soul into any inanimate object, what would it be? We hate to agree with an evil murderer who's on his last breath, but a doll makes a lot of sense. After all, it already has all the boy parts that let us perform the basic functions of humans. As long as you could move, see, and talk, you could get where you needed to be. Anyway, you'll probably never need to decide where to transfer your soul, because who can remember that charm from Chucky. Wait. What's that? You can rock an evil amulet with the charm etched into the back. Well, looks like the charms of Damballa are closer at hand than we thought!Product DetailsThis golden charm is sure to stand out when you slip it over your head this Halloween! It's a great detail for a Bride of Chucky costume. Now, we wouldn't recommend going to Damballa for all your problems but this he will give your Halloween costume an extra flair of Chucky fandom. Check out the rest of our Chucky and Bride of Chucky costumes and accessories to put together the perfect doll ensemble! As all Chucky fans know, a true classic never goes out of style!