Firefighter Boys Boot Covers
HEROIC AMBITIONSThere is something about the occupations that are just a bit more dangerous than the norm that tends to draw the attention of our kiddos. They aim to enter law enforcement, space exploration, and, of course, combating the most chaotic, creative, and destructive element: fire.When your tyke says they want to be a firefighter, you can have the heartwarming knowledge that they want to help people and also the terror of wanting to keep them safe. Fortunately, we've got great equipment to help the latter stay true. DESIGN & DETAILSGet your little one into the habit of gearing up for all their protective needs with this pair of Firefighter Boot Covers. Our in-house designers lit their own kind of inspiring fires when they came up with these brilliant costume accessories that will add some gleaming authenticity to any heroic kiddo's look. The boot covers feature bright yellow and shiny black fabric as well as a wavy open bottom to transform their normal shoes into a pair of rugged-looking firefighting kicks! KICK OPEN THOSE DOORSTrying to break your way into a new occupation can be really tough, especially when you're just a kid. But, you can help them get through those doors with the right look. These in-house developed Firefighter Boot Covers will be just the thing to finish off an authentic firefighting experience and all without the need to actually run into burning buildings!