Friday the 13th Jason High Top Sneakers for Adults
The Best Week of Your LifePack your bags - it's time for summer camp! You'll need a bunch of T-shirts, a good swimsuit, and your favorite pair of statement sneakers. You're sure to get lots of compliments on them from your fellow campers...unless they start getting killed off by a masked maniac. Product DetailsJason Voorhees lives...on these officially licensed Friday the 13th Jason High Top Adult Sneakers! The uniquely awesome shoes have a red and black splatter pattern on the uppers and soles. Black laces criss-cross up the tongue, and the sides of the shoes are printed with an image of Jason's hockey mask above crossed blades. A hockey mask charm dangles from an eyelet. Run for Your LifeThe best part about these shoes isn't the cool, bloody-looking pattern or the movie-inspired graphics. It's the fact that they'll be much better than flip-flops for when you're trying to outrun a creep with a machete.