8 oz Graftobian Spirit Gum Remover
Stick 'Em UpDid you know how easy it is to change your face? We recently tried out five different disguises at our local grocery store. First, we walked up with a long mustache and eyebrows and nabbed a mini quiche from the sample lady. Ten minutes later we rolled by with multiple eyes stuck to our forehead. That got a second glance but we still grabbed a mini quiche from the sample booth, no problem.As we walked out of the grocery store bathroom with horns coming out of our temples and warts stuck all over our face, the manager of the store stopped us. Apparently, we were scaring people and we either needed to buy a box of the quiches or get out. Still, we're pretty impressed with how fast this spirit gum remover works when you're needing to change your identities fast and get the rest of those delicious little quiches they were giving out at the front door. Product DetailsSpirit gum is used to stick appliques, hair, and horns to your face. Spirit gum remover helps you to return to your normal face. Apply this remover with cotton balls to make sure you're free and clear of the sticky substance. Cause there's nothing like scrubbing with water to take you out of the spirit.