Dinosaur Costume Makeup Kit
They're Back! Once upon a time, dinosaurs were thought to be extinct after a giant meteor smacked into the modern-day Gulf of Mexico and wiped out the giant animals. It turns out that our theories were incorrect. Some dinos have survived...and they appear every year in the wild on Halloween! This variety is more interested in holiday candy than in snacking on fellow creatures, though. Product DetailsTransform yourself into an awe-inspiring prehistoric creature using your exclusive Dinosaur Makeup Costume Kit! The set includes a palette of green, black, and white nontoxic makeup, an applicator brush, and a makeup pencil. Draw, shade and smudge to create a one-of-a-kind dinosaur face over your own features! Dino MightNo dinosaur costume is complete without some fun facial details. Become a gentle, plant-eating Triceratops, a rampaging T-Rex, and many other varieties of giant prehistoric creatures with just this handy, pocket-sized makeup kit!