Vampire Makeup Kit by Rubies
Being a Vampire BitesNot everyone understands how hard it is to be a vampire in the modern world. There are cameras and smartphones everywhere, so the chances of being spotted when you are just trying to feed are incredibly high. You can 't even trust anyone to not know what you are, since vampire movies are so popular!The only place left for you is in the backwaters of the world. In the few unconnected places, you can live a vegetarian lifestyle of preying on animals and peasants instead of the high-class blood that you would prefer. It is better than being discovered and staked by some wannabe vampire hunter, but only just!Makeup Makes the VampireLooking like something is ninety nine percent of being something. That means that when you use this Vampire Makeup Kit, you are almost certain to transform into a real vampire! If you do hit that one percent, at least you will look great anyway/ This kit has all the makeup you need to give you the sallow cheeks and bloody mouth that you need to pull off your costume. The only part you will be missing is the thick Transylvanian accent and the natural vampiric bloodthirst!