White Foundation Halloween Makeup
Hauntingly BrilliantSo you want to dress as a ghost or a skeleton this Halloween? Fantastic! There's just one wrinkle to iron out, and that involves the fact that you don't have that "deceased for a long time" pallor on your skin. You have two options: Wear a mask, or cut out the middleman and create your own fun and spooky makeup design! Product DetailsOther options pale in comparison to this White Foundation Costume Makeup! The plastic palette contains 0.32 ounces of non-toxic white cream makeup. It's easy to apply using your fingers, a makeup sponge, or a makeup brush of your choice. The foundation is water-soluble to ensure easy cleanup. Paint It, White Do you have your heart set on a creepy or cute clown costume, or a ghostly phantom ensemble? This foundation is just what you need! It's so opaque that you may even fool real spooks into thinking that you're one of them. However, if you get invited to any monster balls, think twice before accepting.