Neon Yellow Leg Warmers
When did the world decide that neon was no longer all the rage? How could black ever compete with a fresh day glow neon? Why did no one put a stop to the downfall of the legendary leg warmer, a fashion that made wearing tights in winter so much more comfortable? Life just isn't fair. But don't your worry your pretty permed head. There are people out there keeping the dream of the eighties alive. We still believe that color should be seen from miles away, that workout clothes and fishnet stocking jive, and that no one ever puts baby in a corner. For your next 80's inspired ensemble consider these neon green leg warmers as a must have accessory whether you're hitting the club or the aerobics studio. They have plenty of stretch so you can be sure they stay looking rad while you're rocking to Janet Jackson. Together, we'll make sure this neon colored dream survives.