Vertical Striped Pantyhose
Every girl needs a set of these Vertical Striped Pantyhose in her arsenal of sexy costume accessories. Who doesn’t like a sexy Beetlejuice? They put the finishing touch on tons of looks (Sexy Beetlejuice, uh…) and have been scientifically proven to make your legs look 94% longer and thinner in all the right places and none of the wrong ones. (Note: Not all scientific assertions have been backed up by research from our costume-ologists, as they assure us they’re really called, but we took a poll around the office and we’re pretty sure.)Remember, up-and-down stripes are slimming. They elongate your gams! Maybe you’ll like them so much you’ll get vertical stripes tattooed on your bare legs and paint them on all your pants, but until then, these are a good way to demo the effect. These hose are perfect for various dancer costumes, a witch in a mini-skirt, a flapper, a burlesque outfit, and more.