Jumbo Cowboy Rubber Gun
Want to be a Texas Ranger or a sheriff in the Old West? Well, you're going to need some major firepower to take down all those outlaws and roadside bandits! That's where this Jumbo Cowboy Rubber Gun comes in handy! Every cowpoke (and his mother) has a gun but with this prop, you'll have the biggest and most intimidating handgun in the Wild West! Although make sure you have a good handle on this firearm, otherwise, you'll look like a total yellow-belly!Take the time now to get your quick draw down and perfect your pistol spinning. Research some of the greats like Wild Bill and Jesse James to learn a few more tricks. Once you become an expert gunslinger no outlaw will stand a chance! Robbers and bandits wouldn't think about taking a thing from your town, not while you and your Jumbo Cowboy Gun are around!