Beauty and the Beast: Kids Belle Classic Costume
Tale As Old as TimeSure, there are new Disney princesses year after year, but nothing quite beats the classics! Even your little one agrees, which is why she has asked (ok, begged) you to pick this Kid's Beauty and the Beast Belle Classic Costume for her Halloween look this year. How can a Belle fan like you resist?And now that she's wearing it? There must be something there that wasn't there before because suddenly she is graceful, poised, generous, and even kind to her little brother! That's the power of Belle beautiful and sweet, giving everyone a chance, and looking superb while doing it. But if your child befriends a teapot or a candlestick while wearing this garment, well, we can't really be responsible. The magic of Beauty and the Beast is powerful, indeed! And weirder thing have happened.Product DetailsThis dressed-up costume mimics Belle's iconic look from the ballroom scene. It's a yellow satiny dress with a hook and loop fastener at the back for easy dressing (not everyone has a house of enchanted furniture to help them zip up!). The off-the-shoulder sleeves feature sheer yellow mesh, and there is a cute character cameo on the chest. Details like braided trim and a tulle overlay make this gown every bit as gorgeous as Belle's original.Be Our GuestOne thing that all those cups, saucers, and clocks may teach your child is hospitality! So go ahead and sit down to dinner tonight with your elegant little princess, and don't be surprised if she even sets and clears the table for you.