Mad Hatter Hat
Oh no! You left your character cap on the security belt at the airport when you flew in from Wonderland, and you’re due to make a costumed appearance your friend’s Halloween party in an hour! What’s a hatter without his hat? You can’t show up like that!As it turns out, we have a perfect replica of the Mad Hatter Top Hat you’re already used to. We know, we’re awesome; you’re welcome. This hat may not have as many tea stains as yours and it may be missing your head’s perfect indentation, but after a few wears we don’t even think you’ll notice the difference. A great way to tell would be to Skype with Alice and see if she can even tell you’re wearing a replacement! Look how we’ve taken care to perfectly match the light brown hue to your original hat and we’ve even measured the height, twice (9”, just like yours!). The peacock feathers and peach scarf are the perfect length and material, too. So slip it on and feel free make your maddest appearance yet--and don’t waste too much time imagining that lucky TSA agent parading around the terminal in your beloved hat. It’ll only drive you madder.