Mad Hatter Thread Bandolier
Why is a raven like a writing desk? We haven’t the slightest idea, either!There’s no riddle you need to solve to know exactly why the Mad Hatter is one of the all-time best characters in literary history. He just is. Naturally, an eccentric bookworm such as yourself has pulled out all the stops to recreate the film version of your favorite tea party host. You’ve procured an enormous top hat, a wild orange wig, a long brown suede jacket, a bold-printed bowtie-like ascot, striped pants, and the shoes and socks of a madman. You’ve spent hours perfecting your makeup in the mirror—snow white with a rouge-y glow around your lips and eyes. You look positively raving and ready for a mad tea party (or a Halloween party, whichever comes first). It would be criminal, then, to go out into the night without this last piece of your character’s costume: the Mad Hatter Thread Bandolier. In terms of authenticity, if making hats is your profession, a real Hatter would never be caught dead without his emergency spools on hand (hint, hint….so neither should you).