Plus Size Hot Pink Petticoat
Extra FlairHas your dress ever fallen flat? Of course it has. You were looking for a little more...well oomph. And what you ended up with was a little bit of ehhh. It is a frustration we know all to well. For a long time we had the same problem, our skirts just had no flair. No bada-boom, no bada-bing. No nothing. They were boring, and flat.Product DetailsBut yours don't have to be. We have designed this Plus Size Neon Pink Petticoat to give your skirts a little more life. Because a little extra flair never hurt anyone. You might feel like you need a little something to stand out, and what stands out more than neon pink? Nothing. It is the perfect amount of bada-bing, and all the best bits of bada-boom. And your dress will never fall flat again.