Queen of Hearts Staff
"Speak softly, and carry a big stick." The Queen of Hearts has the big stick part down though she should really work on the speaking softly part, although her spastic yelling seems to work fine for the most part. Particularly when she's yelling, "off with his head!". When the Queen has found that someone has stolen her tarts, this staff is the perfect tool for angry gesticulation. Never underestimate the importance of imperial accoutrements. As a queen, especially a mad one, your accessories can make the difference of your courtiers quivering in fear or your subjects organizing a coup. Taking power over Wonderland is a daunting task. The land you reign over is so topsy-turvy that you'll need something to sturdy yourself. This staff is made with the twisty wood of your precious rose bushes and topped with a ruby red heart and a gold crown, no one will question who's big stick this is. If anyone should question you, just softly remind them, all ways are your ways.