The Little Mermaid- King Triton Costume Kit
The Real HeroOnce upon a time, there was a little mermaid .whom we 're actually really not interested in, sorry. It 's her father we want to hear about! What kind of workout regimen does he use to get those incredible pectorals? Bench-pressing dolphins? Battle ropes with eels? Whatever his routine is, we want to know!King Triton is the unsung hero of the Little Mermaid underwater world. A mighty king who is kind enough to save his daughter when she signs a contract without reading the fine print is one heck of a great dad. Plus, he 's pretty cute too!Product DetailsYou 'll be attracting the ladies hook, line, and sinker when you wear this Little Mermaid King Triton Kit! Triton 's five-pronged gold crown sits nobly upon your brow as you survey your kingdom of Atlantis. A flowing white beard graces your face and waves gently in the current. Slip on the gold armbands and you 'll dazzle all who gaze upon you!