Butterfly Golden Headband
Crowning MonarchsThis is it! The big day is here! You have prepared for years for this event, but now it is here at last. You learned all the etiquette, from the placement of forks to the correct order of greeting your guests. You have learned the expectations of the parliament and people of the royal queen. You have even become proficient in all the languages of your peoples, such that you can converse with and rule them well.Sitting on the royal throne, resplendent in your royal robes, you accept the scepter and orb of rulership, the sacred symbols of the monarchy. You wait as the procession of lords before you stretches on interminably, until finally the last one sits. Your people rise and as one hail you as Queen! Suddenly, a swarm of butterflies flutters from an open window and settles gently on your perfect hair, becoming still. You have been accepted and crowned by the Monarchs!Butterflies in Your StomachOk, that isn t super likely to happen, but with this Gold Butterfly Headband you will feel just about that whimsical and royal. Though it is not made of real butterflies, this headband has a magical feeling about it. It is the perfectly colorful way to complete your costume!