Chicken Face Mask Accessory
A classy and sophisticated accessory for the refined bird costumed user, our Chicken Face mask is carefully crafted from only the finest polyester available on the market. Each piece is thoroughly inspected by only the most discerning Nobel prize-winning ornithologists, and then presented to our distinguished panel of real live chickens for final approval. If they cluck once, it means it means they approve and the Chicken Face Mask passes its final test. If they cluck twice, it means yes yes, which makes it doubly high quality. If they cluck three times they are sold to KFC as punishment for insubordination.The Chicken Face Mask looks just like a giant, oblivioius chicken beak. It's an all-polyester mask with elastic ear loops and a woven broadcloth lining. And while it's not effective as personal protective equipment, we do think you should keep one in your car so you can quickly put it on if you ever get pulled over by a cop. He'll appreciate how artfully you've defused what could have been an awkward situation and let you go on your way. We assume this actually works!