Corgi Ears, Headband & Tail Kit
A Tale of Two CorgisYou and your best friend do everything together. You attend the same yoga class. You're finishing the same degree. And you both adopted Corgi puppies from the same litter on the same day! Adorable!It's no surprise that you decided to throw a joint Halloween bash. But you finally found a topic you differ on. You want to go all-in on Halloween, your friend doesn't like to get dressed up (you can guess which side we're on, right?). With this Corgi Costume Kit, you can each feel comfortable co-hosting your party, all while honoring your furry little friends and doing Halloween justice. You two are just the best!Product DetailsThis little kit is a must for any Corgi-lover and an easy go-to costume fix that can solve all kinds of last-minute party problems. The stuffed Corgi ears (and who doesn't love Corgi ears?!) sit atop a comfy fabric headband that is easy to slide on and start your transformation! The 6-inch long tail is furry and would certainly be wagging out of pure joy if it could. Pick matching sweatsuits or make it work with your wardrobe. Being together is what this is all about, so do as a Corgi would do don't sweat the small stuff and have a blast!