Ewok Pet Costume
Your little four-legged companion is a good boy, isn’t he? He’s the best finder of sticks in the park, the best catcher of tennis balls, the best little protector of your home.You know what else he’s the best at? Toppling the Galactic Empire with a series of ambushes and well-constructed traps....No? Fido isn’t that good with constructing nets and log swings? Well, that’s ok, because this Ewok Pet Costume will perfectly convince everyone you meet that your loyal companion helped the Rebellion claim victory on the Forest Moon of Endor. It will be very believable; everyone already knows that your dog is a fierce defender of your home when any strangers come knocking at the door -- just like the equally furry Ewoks. And we’re sure, absolutely certain (we happen to have a bit of experience of our own) that your little guy has set a perfect trap for you to trip over every time he stands behind you when you’re cooking in the kitchen. One second you’re just taste testing some vegetable soup, the next you’ve tumbled over your curious companion and you’re cursing him from the linoleum floor.So maybe your little canine comrade can’t topple the Empire, but he surely can topple you. And we think that’s close enough. Get him this adorable Ewok outfit and he’ll feel right at home every time he barks to defend the house, or “accidentally” knocks you to the ground.