Flapper Womens Heels
The Speak-Easy SlideEveryone knows about the most famous flapper dance, the Charleston. There was a lot of kicking and shimmy, perfect for showing off the fringe of any flapper dress. But since the flapper look hasn't gone out of style ever since the 20s perhaps it's time to create a new roaring twenties style dance that doesn't require jazz hands and can work with modern music. All you need is a little hip shake and a few new steps and you'll be there. Can't think of anything quite yet? Well, maybe you need to step into the shoes of a flapper to get into the right mindset!Product DetailsThese character shoes will match perfectly with a variety of our 1920s costumes from a fringed flapper dress to a pin-striped gangster costume. The shoes strap down with a buckle and have five holes to make the size just right. The high heels with a rubber tip keep this pair of heels flattering yet comfortable for the dance floor or even the stage! Whether you're dressing up for a bachelorette party, Halloween, or a play, you're sure to be glad you completed your 1920s costume with a fabulous pair of heels that are a modern twist on classic flapper fashion!