Golden Girls Quiet, You Trash Face Cover
All Four OnePicking one Golden Girl as your favorite just isn't possible. Where Rose steals your heart with her goofy charm, Dorothy keeps your feet planted firmly on Earth. And while Sophia delights with her unbelievable stories, Blanche is the shock that brings you right back to reality. Rather than pick and choose which lady to channel when you're going about your daily routine, show your love for all four with this Golden Girls: Quiet, You Trash – Adjustable Face Cover!Product DescriptionThis attention-grabbing and practical accessory is just what you need in your collection. Made to fit safely and comfortably over your nose and under your chin, this mask has a no-nonsense design Dorothy would be proud to wear. Featuring a print image of Blanche and one of her sassiest commands, you'll easily get the Southern Belle the attention she craves wherever you go. And whether you're telling tall tales about Sicily or using an entirely made-up word that causes plenty of spittle, the bright pink mouth cover will prevent you from any blame or embarrassment.Say It, Don't Spray ItWith this Golden Girls: Quiet, You Trash – Adjustable Face Cover, you can spread all the Golden Girls fun you want without sharing any nasty germs. Polite like Rose, practical like Dorothy, and sassy like Blanche, this officially licensed accessory is the perfect way to share Sophia-worthy stories safely with the people you love!