Halloween Wreath with Crow
Surprise HouseguestApparently you've got an unexpected tenant! This crow has decided to make its nest on your front door. It's not interested in budging, but don't worry - it'll provide you with some spooky ambiance and it promises not to make any messes for you to clean up. That's a big improvement over the normal kind of bird. Product DetailsThis exclusive Wreath with Crow Halloween Decoration looks like something out of a Hitchcock movie! The black-painted wreath is approximately twelve inches in diameter and is made of bundled straw and vines. More black vines stick straight up into the wreath's middle. A plastic crow perches on the bottom of the wreath and is covered in black fabric that's textured to look like feathers. A ribbon loop is attached to the top for hanging purposes. Feathery Fright Crows used to be thought of as omens of doom, disaster, and bad luck because - let's face it - they look a little creepy. Now, we know that if you see a crow, it just means that you're about to have a really epic Halloween. There's nothing scary about that prediction!