Inflatable Adult Riding-A-Red Raptor Costume
The Ultimate ChallengeThe buzzer sounds and....bam! The gates open and the contestant comes out, barely holding onto his bucking steed's reins! This isn't your typical bull and this isn't your average rodeo, though! Someone had the bright idea to make it prehistoric-themed and to go back in time to find real raptors for the most extreme ride ever! If you stay on top for ten seconds, you're a champion! Whether you win or lose, you still have to avoid being eaten by the raptor as you dismount. Product DetailsHave the coolest ride of all when you wear your Adult Inflatable Riding-A-Red-Raptor Costume! Step into the outfit like you're putting on a pair of pants and tie the drawstring around your waist. When fully inflated, the costume looks like a raptor with black and red scales, standing on two feet with its tail jutting out behind. It's open mouth is full of fake fangs. fake legs make it look like you're riding on top and brown reins are attached to the dino's neck. Git Along, Little DinosYou're trapped inside a theme park filled with hungry dinosaurs, but you don't lose your head for one second. Instead, you bide your time until you can jump on top of the nearest raptor and ride it to safety! Be careful, kids. This stunt looks easy, but it's actually being done by a trained professional. Please don't try this at home (or with a dino that's made of anything but fabric and lots of air).