Moving Elephant Ears Plush Trick or Treat Bag
unforgettable halloweenThe general wisdom says that an elephant never forgets -- and we have found that is very close to the truth. They are amazingly devoted to their companions, both human and elephant. When elephant refuges in Africa set their rehabilitated orphans loose into the wild, they're often visited years later so that the elephant's young can visit the people that raised those elephants. If a watering hole dries up, they remember how to get to old watering holes from years before! It's no wonder that people all over the world feel sentimental when it comes to these intelligent giants. product detailsAre you ready to get the inside scoop when it comes to the elephant lifestyle? You don't need to start eating grass or covering yourself in mud to protect yourself from the sun. Start small by slipping this Moving Ears Elephant Plush Trick or Treat Bag over your arm when you head out to trick-or-treat the neighborhood. If you squeeze the handle, the ears flip up! The plush treat bag has a zipper closure that opens to a pocket and fits any extra great candy you don't want your siblings to see. Have fun and, like those elephants, remember which houses you get the good candy from!