Pet Grogu Costume
Good Boy GroguGrogu has been known to listen to Din Djarin's every command. When Din says put it down, Grogu puts it down. When Din says to stay put, Grogu stays put. Sure, Grogu might be a little stinker from time to time and sneak a snack here and there but for the most part, Grogu is a very good boy. We think we know a good boy that would like to join in on the Halloween fun this year. Grab this Grogu Costume for your furry buddy and he can complete your new Mandalorian look!The Adorable DetailsThis costume has been designed to look like the adorable little green alien we've all fallen in love with on the Disney Plus series "The Mandalorian". The soft beige fabric has been fashioned to look like the padawan robes Grogu is always wearing. They can be placed comfortably over your dog's chest and secured around their back. Grogu's little arms are sewn on to the front of this costume and are holding a smaller alien.The Grogu head hood can easily be wrapped over your pup's head and under the chin. The attached ears on top of this accessory have been made extra fluffy!