Pokemon Sunglasses
Pikachu used flash!It’s not very effective…Few experiences can remain with you like the ones you have in video games. We got Pokémon Red when it first came out, and we remember leaving Pallet Town for the first time like it happened yesterday. Trying to traverse Mt. Moon without being eaten alive by Zubats. Finding all three of the legendary birds and using them to absolutely spank the Elite Four. But seeing your first Pikachu in the wild and catching it, now that beat all. You can bet that little guy went with us all the way on our quest to the top!Whether you’re the leader of an electric gym or just a fan of Pikachu in particular, our Pokémon Sunglasses are a stylish ode to the lovable electric mouse type. Wear these as part of a costume or just to show that you want to be the very best, too!