Spider-Man Infant Costume
Raising A HeroPass your love for Marvel Comics on down to your little bundle of joy when you dress them up in this adorable Infant Spider-Man Costume. Once they take on the persona of Spider-Man, you'll definitely have your hands full. If you thought raising a normal baby was hard, just imagine how difficult it would be to raise a baby with superpowers!A baby's sticky hands could normally be washed clean. Not your baby's. Everything sticks to them. Everything.Keeping an eye on a baby that's learning to crawl is a mission. Well, now that baby can crawl on the walls and ceiling, too.Not only that, how about swinging around town on spiderwebs? Good luck keeping your kiddo in a playpen now.Oh, and speaking of webs. If you thought a baby was messy before, well now, your baby can literally shoot a mess out of a wrist gadget. While it sounds like a lot of extra work, it will all be worth it. Your baby will be the friendly neighborhood hero! All of your friends and neighbors will have your baby to thank for their safety from those wicked villains. With great power comes great responsibility. Just remember your responsibility is to raise your Spider-Baby right!The SpiDetailsThis jumpsuit has been designed to look just like Spider-Man's super-suit. It is red and blue and covered in a web design. It also features the Spider-Man sigil on the chest as well as on the soles of the booties. The hat is made to look like the top half of Spider-Man's mask. Start your baby's superhero dreams today with this adorable costume!